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~~ To My Best Friend ~~


~~ To My Best Friend Page! ~~

This page is dedicated to my, on line, best friend, Melissa.

I did meet Melissa July 11. 2000 through the RAOK web group and after she did send me couple of gifts via e-mail, cause it was my Birthday, I stopt by her www. site to thank her and also, I did send her a thank you mail too. She did reply to me and the next thing You know, we were e-mailing each other back and forth almost every single day :) She is a very nice, caring and a thoughtful person I know and I am so glad to call her my friend.

Below is the photo of Melissa with her family.

Thank you Melissa, for always being there for me.
And thanks for listening to all my silly stories :)


Maybe you don't look me right in the eye...
Maybe you can't ever wipe my tears when I cry
Maybe we can't share some tea and sweet,
or walk together down a path... or up the street.
But we can still be good friends because, you see,
we met on the internet, you and me.

And when you have a "cyber" friend it matters not...
how you look, what you wear, or what you've got.
I don't care if your last name is Smith or Jones,
or if your size is perfect, plump, or skin and bones.
You're there for me,
you've been a pal through thick and thin...
You shared my glad times...
and in my sad times - you made me grin

So I have sent this greeting to you, dear friend so fine...
to tell you I'm So Glad you're a pal of mine.
And here's a hug, though not with arms,
for that can't be...
But it's a hug straight from my heart...

From Melissa.

A gift from Melissa. Thank you !
May 01. 2001